I'll get right to my week! we've been busy getting ready for Fake Christmas (that blog is next)
enjoy these few favorite Instagrams..
"This is my child, and this is how he is currently watching cartoons. I don't know whether to just die laughing and love him for being such a dork or to blame is weirdness on his father..

"Lily is my free spirit, my wildflower. She's strong willed and so smart. I've let myself get caught up in her appearance, always wanting her to look perfect. The problem with that is she's only young once. The Lord gave her this fire, it's not my place to hide it. I'm leaving her to think for herself, let her decide how she wants to look and dress. Let her express herself and be herself. Today she chose her outfit, a messy bun, pink bow with hearts, ruffle skirt, bow covered shirt, grey tights and hello kitty vans. I love it and I love her sweet soul. My beautiful girl

"It's Fake Christmas Day!
my family is all together and my heart is so happy."

"No caption needed."
"I've always adored him for his gentleness with our children, the way he loves them. It fills my heart."
until next week..
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