Wednesday, February 27, 2013

little things

this weekend our oldest babe turned 3. Lily had talked about her birthday, and the party I had been planning, for weeks. the morning of her party Lily opened one present, a framed picture of her daddy. his plan was for me to print it, frame it and have it at her party so that even though he was miles away, he could be there with her to celebrate. oh, the little things.. he is thee sweetest daddy.

below is the picture he sent her. I cried like a baby when I saw it, seeing his face so clearly for the first time in 4 months- there aren't words to describe what my heart felt

after she opened her picture she started showing him the new shirt she was going to wear to her party. the innocence of a child combined with the love between a girl and her daddy, Lord help me. this moment was precious..
we're down to 3 months until that long awaited trip to the airport. I think about it all the time and I get so giddy and the butterflies start like I'm headed there right then. haha! we have so much coming up this month to keep us busy, then I'll be back to work with sessions lined up already. I know these next few months will fly by and I can't wait! -xo


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