baby johnston number three is on the way!
as most of you know my husband deployed to Afghanistan, November of last year. about three weeks before he left we found out we were expecting another baby. I felt such a mixture of emotions but I knew it was God's plan for our lives. whether we were ready for it or not- we knew to be thankful. we are now over half way to our due date and couldn't be more excited! with this new addition comes many changes to my business, first thing being the name. I've decided to keep the source and reason behind everything I do, my children and so my name will continue to reflect them. they are the craziness behind it all, behind me. they are my three peas, my sweet loves, my purpose in life.
I hope you are as excited as I am for the new things to come in our lives and the life of "three peas" :)
stick around, things are just getting started..

19 weeks
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